Digital Signage in a Digital World

Phoenix Digital Solutions are now providing Digital Signage Solutions.
PDS are now offering its printing partners a way into digital screen and signage marketing.
As demand increases for digital signage and the digital poster print market declines, we are offering our print parteners a way to still continue to offer their
print customers a poster solutions, a digital poster and digital signage solution.
We provide the solution, hardware, install, maintain and service the hardware and you keep your customer by providing the design and content management on their behalf.
With the solutions we provide, your design department can still provide the digital poster for your clients and send the poster directly to the digital screens wherever in the world they are lcoated.
The demand for digital signage over printed posters is on the increase and will soon be the solution most shops, pubs, bars, restaurants, estate agents, hotels, airports, businesses, stations, shopping centres, theme parks, holiday parks and
virtually any other industry or business.
You need to make a start on this quickly and offer your customers a digital solution.
With our UK wide service team, we can install, upgrade, maintain, repair and support all digital signage and screens in virtually any business in virtually any location in the UK and beyond.
Invite us in for a chat about our solutions or checkout our sister company website: